How To Leave A Product Review

Hello there! 
Thank you for visiting our page on "how to leave a review" 
We have uploaded pictures on how to do so step by step.

*If you are having troubles please feel free to call us at 213-713-2565 or email us at

Step-By-Step guide:

1. Go to a product you want to review
2. Scroll down until you see review section
3. Click on Submit a Review

how to leave a product review on shopify with app


4. Fill out all the blanks
5. Then finalize by submitting the review

How to write a product review on

Now let's get going by checking your products on here! 

Thank you for submitting your review!
Once we receive your reviews, we will go ahead and send out our appreciation via email in 1 to 2 business days :) 
Once again thank you! It means a lot to us!


 *If you are having troubles please feel free to call us at 213-320-1178 or email us at